How to remove stretch marks

stretch marks

Stretch marks are a form of scars that appear on the skin. They usually appear in the form of lines and are usually of a different color from the normal skin color. They are normally of reddish or purple color, which fades with time. They are not usually painful and are not transmittable. Therefore, one cannot get stretch marks by simply getting in contact with another person who has them.

They appear on a person's skin as a result of overstretching of the dermal part of the skin. This part of the skin is the part which is responsible for the elasticity of the skin. It contains collagen and other fibers that enable the skin to bounce back to its original shape when it is stretched. When the skin gets overstretched for one reason or the other, the dermal layer may develop tears. This causes the skin to lose its elasticity and this may manifest in terms of the lines which are referred to as stretch marks.

Excessive and rapid stretching of the skin occurs due various changes in the body of a human being. It is usually associated with rapid growth, excessive weight gain and hormonal changes in the body. These factors cause a sudden increase in the volume that the skin is to accommodate and thus causing it to suddenly stretch.

Research and studies have conclusively found a relationship between pregnancy and the level of stretch marks on the body. While undergoing pregnancy, a woman usually experiences a sudden increase in fat tissues as the body prepares for the baby. This sudden increase in the mass of the person therefore causes the sin to strain and thus tear.

They are also common among teenagers mainly because of their rate of growth. During puberty, the body of a teenager experiences an accelerated growth and development rate. This occasionally exerts a lot of pressure on the skin, causing it to overstretch and thus eventually tear.

They can appear anywhere in the body. However, they usually occur in areas which are storage areas of fats. These areas include the breasts, the abdomen, the thighs, buttocks and hips. This is because these are the areas which are more prone to experience the changes associated with the increase or decrease in body weight.

There are many names which are used in the medical field to refer to this condition. They are sometimes referred to as striae or sometimes as striae atrophicae. Where they are caused by pregnancy, they are usually referred to as striae gravidarum.

stretch marks